
Combine Previous(month) and BY modifier

  • 25 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +5


In the below metric  with 2 dimensions Month and Version, I try to combine a Previous (Month) and a BY.
For now I have the error formula is invalid.
The trick  I found (please see the second screenshot) is to create a second metric “Other cash test” so I can apply BY .

Thanks for your help,


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @Cedric LJ ,

Modifiers could not be applied after the Previous function, currently this will get you the invalid formula error.
However in you example, I believe you can apply the BY logic you wish to add in the first argument of your IF statement.

Hope this helps,

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Thanks for the answer.
In this case It’s not doing the trick.

Is there a way to get the previous month value and forecast it on the future months without using a Previous(Month)?
In my below example I want to forecast from Oct 23 using sept 23 value.

I still need to use a “by” to apply my balance sheet mapping.



Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@Cedric LJ ,

Could you please provide more details on the dimensions of your metrics?
You are actually applying the [BY: ‘Account level 4 mapping’.”Net Cash”] to store the result on the item “Net Cash” of the dimension ‘Account level 4 mapping’ whereas this dimension is not part of the structure of your metric (you have only 2 dimensions: Version and Month).
Could you test the formula when you add the dimension ‘Account level 4 mapping’ and apply the [BY: ‘Account level 4 mapping’.”Net Cash”] after the [REMOVE: ‘Compte comptable’]?

Hope this helps,
