Create and Edit a Board in an Application

  • 21 December 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 4
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Boards are the User Interfaces that are created for Members to interact with their data.  This article shows how to create a new Board and the different type of Widgets that can be displayed on a Board. 


Table of Contents


Members must have the “Can configure” Board permission to be able to create or modify Boards. 


Board options


When you create a Board, you can provide a title, subtitle, icon, and color. The color you select determines the appearance of the tile or list item when viewed in the All Boards or within a folder.

By enabling the options to display an icon next to the title and to use color in the header, you can showcase the chosen color and icon in the header of the board.

Please note that the color palette available for selection is specially curated for board icons and is not editable.

Icons are valuable in aiding the identification of a board's purpose. These icons will be visible on the board's tile or list item, whether the board is inside a folder or in the "All Boards" section. Additionally, they will appear in the sidebar alongside the board's name.


Adjusting Board options


You can edit the folder, icon, subtitle, and color by accessing the ellipsis (...) menu next to a board on the sidebar. The same menu can also be accessed directly from the board's tile or list item.

To adjust whether a color and icon appear in the board's header, follow these steps:

  • Click Edit on the Board you wish to modify.
  • Select the Format button.
  • Click the Use color in header or Show icon next to the title toggles


Creating a Board


To create a Board, first, open an Application. You will automatically land on the “All Board" section. 

  1. Click the Button "+ New Board" on the right. 
  2. Enter a Board name
  3. Choose a Color and Icon
  4. Add an optional subtitle for more context. 
  5. Assign a Folder
  6. Click Create and configure


Organizing Boards with Folders


Boards are organized into Folders. When a Board is added to a folder, it will appear under that folder in the sidebar, you can also click on a folder in the sidebar and it will show you all of your Boards. Boards will be displayed in either tile or list view depending on your selection. When creating a Board, you can also create a new folder by typing the name of the new folder and clicking the option to + Create the new folder.  


Members must have “Create & Delete Folders” permission to be able to create new folders. 




Adding Widgets 


Boards are made up of widgets. There are 6 different types of widgets. Grid, Chart, List, KPI, Text, and Button. Grid, KPI, and Chart are all used to display data from Metrics and Tables. Lists allow you to display Transactions or Dimension Lists on a Board. Text is used to create Titles,  instructions, and other text to provide context for a Board.





Text widgets can be used to add instructions or context to a Board. After Adding a text widget, you can drag and drop the edges to determine the size of your text box.  The enter key will provide line breaks and you can highlight text to provide different heading sizes, Bold, Italics and Underlined options. You can also highlight text to provide links. 






When working with Charts, Pigment has several different types; BarLine, Waterfall, Pie, and Combined. Check out this “Getting started with Charts” article for more information. 




KPI or Key Performance Indicators are a great way to highlight important data points. Pigment KPIs can include a description, conditional formatting and can be set up to include up to 12 data points in one KPI.  




Action Buttons 


Action buttons can be configured for navigation to other Boards, Include external links, or trigger an import. 




Grids are made up of Tables or Metrics to allow Members to view their data. They can be used to input data, view calculations or see reporting output after analysis. Within Grids, you can set up the grid in Sheet View which displays a Table or Metric in a familiar spreadsheet format for users to perform side ad-hoc calculations on. 




You can publish Transaction and Dimension lists to a Board. These can be published as a widget for Members to be able to add items to a list from a Board. They can also be used to summarize data or used with filters for  a Data validation board.




Add images to your Boards with the Image widget. Image widgets can be used to add logos or other images to a Board. 


Check out the course in the Academy on When to Use the Different Types of Widgets on a Board!


Interacting with a Board


After a Board is complete, you can follow these steps to grant access to Members to the Board. Depending on the permission you grant them, they can comment and Interact with widgets in these ways. 





See also

Measuring what you need with Metrics

Playing with views

Create Charts to explore data

Commenting on a Board

Board Inspiration




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3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Is the new look of the boards (with the faded color) going to apply to existing boards or only to new boards?

Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@Omer Nahum  Yes!

To adjust whether a color and icon appear in the board's header, follow these steps:

  • Click Edit on the Board you wish to modify.
  • Select the Format button.
  • Click the Use color in header or Show icon next to the title toggles


Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Thank you!